The formula and form of a contract for the division of a legacy by mutual agreement between the heirs

صيغة و نموذج عقد قسمة تركة بالتراضي بين الورثة- contract for the division of a legacy by between the heirs KSA
Table of Contents

One of the thorny issues in our society in which many issues and problems occur is the problem of the distribution of heritage. If a person dies and leaves some of the legacies, the heirs begin to disagree with each other on this legacy, especially when the heirs differ on the share and legacy of each one of them.

Therefore, the heirs resort to the division of the heritage by mutual consent, far from any law and contrary to the specified inheritance schedule. This requires the conclusion of a legacy division by mutual agreement between the heirs, and this is what we illustrate in this article. We will talk first about this concept and how to make a contract and model of the division of the inheritance by mutual agreement between the heirs and what are the conditions of writing the form. Follow us.

What does it mean to divide a legacy by agreement between heirs?

It is a contract where inheritance or inheritance is divided by mutual consent of all parties. This is conditional upon the application of all inheritance rights, which we shall mention briefly:

  • The deceased must be washed and legally equipped.
  • Making sure he doesn’t have debts.
  • Searching for and executing any will be left by the deceased.
  • The remainder of the estate is then distributed to the heirs according to Islamic law.

Inheritance science is one of the most important sciences of Islamic Sharia, which is concerned with all that is related to the deceased and what the deceased left behind, whether it is money or real estate. In some cases, the heirs agree to give the largest share to one of them for some reason, provided that this is done by mutual consent of all the members of the heirs.

In other words, the estate is distributed among all the members of the heirs on the condition of full satisfaction, but on conditions.

Conditions to be met for the division of heritage by mutual agreement

  • Heirs must be adults.
  • No one may make decisions on their behalf.
  • The consent of heirs must come from the bottom of their hearts, so that consent is not unreal.
  • Also, a person who has inherited must be aware of all matters of inheritance, not being deceived, not being associated with, or exploited by, another person.
  • It must be known that the oath that God Almighty decreed from above the seven heavens is the just division and that it must always be taken.

This condition is one of the most important conditions to guarantee the contract’s validity because we as Muslims must submit to God’s command in everything, and the provisions of God Almighty are the best, and they are always suitable, no matter how different times and ages are, so the belief must be sound.

In such a case, the estate may be divided by mutual consent between all the heirs and the form or contract of succession may be made by mutual agreement between the heirs.

The formula and form of a contract for the division of a legacy by mutual agreement between the heirs

Contracts entered into by mutual agreement conform to the general appearance but vary in the specification and value of each of them. The form and form of a contract is the division of a legacy by mutual agreement between the heirs as follows:

– First: The date of the contract shall be written so that on such day as………………………………..

– Then the names of the contractors:

  • First contractor’s name, Place of residence….
  • Second contractor’s name, Place of residence….
  • Name of the third contractor, Place of residence….

All the parties must agree to the contract in full and in full awareness when agreeing to all the conditions necessary for the contract.

And if an inherited thing is a property, the description of that property is spelled out, which is on the deceased person’s side and he’s named …….

The following is a model contract for the consensual division of inheritance between heirs:

Contract form of a consensual legacy:

In the name of god the merciful

A contract in which the deceased is divided (and named……………..)

It’s on a day…………. Corresponding to:/…/…/…. in place of …….

The first item: The individuals of this contract, i.e. the legal heirs of the deceased:

And based on the Declaration of Heredity, which was issued on the day of….. Which is tied to a number………… Based on this, the wife is given the price of the estate, and the rest of the estate is distributed to the children of the deceased in the form of a contract of the division of the estate by mutual agreement between the heirs.

It was also agreed between the heirs that this division would be by mutual consent between them, and they are in full mental strength and have all legal capacity, and none of them were forced or coerced into anything. These parties are:

  • First Party:
  • Second party:
  • Third-Party:
  • And so on……………..

Item 2: The legacy of the deceased

Mention shall be made of the property owned by the deceased and the number of real estates in its place.

It shall read as follows:

  • Real estate located on the street: its area is:………………………………………………………………………
  • Real estate located on the street: its area is:………………………………………………………………………
  • Taking into account that there are no other properties than those mentioned.

Section 3: The share of all the members of the heirs shall be determined

  • The individual’s share in the first drug is stated and all the specification of the drug previously mentioned is stated in the form and form of a contract of mutual inheritance.
  • The individual’s share is stated in the second drug and all the specifications of the drug mentioned above are stated.

Item 4: Acknowledgement

All members of this contract, as in the form and form of a contract of inheritance, acknowledge that they agree with such a division since such division is the legal division left by the deceased person, and then they sign the contract that obliges them not to retract.

Item 5: Penal requirement:

If any defect occurs in this contract, or the division is revoked, or there is any procrastination or delay in distributing the estate, or one of the parties retracts his decision, an amount is agreed upon……and this is the penalty clause, and in the end all parties sign at the end Contract.

Division and waiver contract form

God Almighty has ordered us in his book to record all the transactions and debts by writing them, so that the rights are not lost. Therefore, everything related to the heirs must be recorded. If any concession occurs, it is written as follows:

  • First Party: Writes the name of the person who has renounced: his nationality, his religion, his nationality, his religion, his nationality, his religion, and his nationality.
  • Second party:…………………….
  • Third-party: And so on.
  • The center number is also written:

All parties are confirmed to be eligible for the contract, based on the agreed terms.

All the items that must be stated in the contract are then written down, the property is legally divided, the first party deals with the second, and each part is written in the name of the person who owns it.

Conditions for writing a contract form Inherited by mutual agreement

To form a contract for the division of a legacy by mutual agreement between the heirs, certain conditions must be met. These conditions are, as we mentioned earlier:

  • All heirs must have legal capacity.

That is, they have reached the agreed adulthood, they can make their own decisions and take full responsibility for their choice, and they are rational and adult.

  • Satisfaction is real.

This mutual consent is not forced or coerced, and it is self-induced and not under the influence of anything.

Here we have already talked a lot about how the model of a contract works, dividing a legacy between the heirs, as we have added a few other things to it, including the conditions of writing a contract and how it is written. It is important to note that God Almighty has handed down to us Islamic law, and the rulings on which we are based are the center of our knowledge. If we apply it, we will not have done so before courts and cases. Justice is the foundation of building society, and without it rights will be lost and societies will decline.

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